Dance Recitals in May

Capernaum’s dance team will participate in a recital on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. with 7 Movements Dance. Come watch or volunteer! We will need volunteers to wait with the dancers backstage and get them on and off stage during both performances.

Capernaum’s dance recital is on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at Christ Presbyterian Church, Westview Room, 6901 Normandale Rd, Edina (Hwy. 100 and 70th St ). The performance is FREE! (Donations are welcome as a thank you to the church.) Volunteers would also be appreciated for this recital to assist with costume changes, being backstage, etc. Contact Bonna if you are interested in volunteering; it’s an amazing experience!

Join "The Chat"

Grace Inc. hosts guest speakers to help guide you in identifying personal stresses and worries, and offers a variety of solutions from mind-body approaches for yourself, to behavior modification techniques, OT therapies, and accommodations and modifications to try with your child. The goal is to give you, the parent, tools for your toolbox so that when you are met with new developmental difficulties, you have a network of people and resources to try. They can’t wait to meet you!

The last Chat date is May 10 , 2024.

TO REGISTER: Visit the website below, navigate the calendar to your preferred date, select the time, and then proceed to register.

** Scholarships are offered for those who wish to attend but do not have the financial means. Contact for more information. **

New Treatment Space!

Capernaum’s Richfield outpatient clinic expanded into the suite directly adjacent to our main lobby. This new space will add two additional treatment rooms for our therapists to use with patients and their families. We are incredibly excited about this new space as it will allow us to increase the number of patients we are able to serve in the community every week. 

We've Added Community Sites!

Capernaum has seen growth in the community! In the last few months, we started providing speech and OT services in four new sites!

OTA Student Testimonial

Capernaum is pleased to offer clinical experiences to students studying occupational, physical, and speech therapy. Recently, we had an OTA student; here are her comments on doing her Level II fieldwork with Capernaum:

Over the last eight weeks with Capernaum Pediatric Therapy, Inc., I have been working, learning, and growing as a budding OT practitioner. I remember my first day in this Fieldwork Level II experience. I was nervous about being on time, anticipating what to expect, and who I would meet. I was gratefully surprised to soon learn how welcoming and kind all of my fieldwork educators are.

For this Fieldwork Level II experience at Capernaum, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work in many different OT pediatric settings. I worked in home health under Abby Berg’s direction, in outpatient OT under Alison Bicek’s guidance, and in a community school-based setting with Emily LaRenzie (OT). I quickly learned how much I loved the variety of settings pediatric OT offered me on a weekly basis.

In my previous role as a Special Education Assistant (SEA) in the Minneapolis Public Schools, I knew I would be most comfortable in the school-based OT setting. Emily LaRenzie was so nice to work with, and I was proud to be a part of a paraprofessional training session on sensory diets and sensory integration. At Academy of Whole Learning, Alison Bicek was so great at providing guidance, support, and encouragement throughout my Fieldwork Level II experience.

When I first started, I was new to treatment planning, leading OT sessions with pediatric clients, and how to document effectively. Alison Bicek took the time to teach me how to adapt, grade, and accommodate OT treatment sessions for clients so that they can be successful in their OT goals. I also learned that the principal of AOWL and I went to high school together–small world!

In my home-based OT experience, I was delighted to work with Abby Berg. She was always so cheerful, kind, and compassionate towards me and the clients she worked with. I learned how to document, review goals, plan treatments, and interact with clients who had complex medical histories and diagnoses.

Looking back on this experience, I would have never expected I would grow so much as an OTAS. I am so proud of all the clients I have interacted with, the professionals I have learned from, and how the field of occupational therapy is shaping me to become a confident OT practitioner. Capernaum is a great place, and I am so thankful that they welcomed me into their practice. I hope to work with them in the future. Thank you for this opportunity and experience.

Ann Finstad, OTAS

Fieldwork Level II , OTA Online Program, St. Catherine University